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Crochet Cafe-A Book Review

Crochet Cafe-A Book Review

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Ready for something deliciously cute? Crochet Cafe is the brand new book from Lauren Espy of @amenagerieofstitches and it’s the perfect thing for keeping busy this summer.

crochet amigurumi

I was thrilled when Lauren reached out to see if I wanted to review her new book. We had met last year at The Maker’s Retreat and she was kind enough to give me a few sneak peeks then. I was blown away by how adorable all of her new amigurumi were. I wanted to make every single one right then and there!

A few month’s later and now I have the book in my hands. It is better than I could have ever expected. The thought and dedication that went in to this book is apparent before you even open the cover. Lauren’s unique style is woven through every page of this book.

The theme of course if food and she has included just about everything you could possibly want to make. From avocado toast to lobster this book really does have it all.

book reviews crochet

After flipping through the book myself, I let my kids take a look and pick out what they wanted me to make. Every page brought with it gasps and excited exclamations. They wanted them all! We settled on the Popsicles first and they were in awe as they watched them come together.

I loved that Lauren included a whole section just on stitches and techniques. I’ve made amis before, but having these little tips and tricks helped me create the most perfect little Popsicles. There is also a list of common supplies needed such as safety eyes, crochet hooks and yarn. If you are a crafter or crochet you most likely will already have everything on hand.

Each pattern is written out with so much detail. Lauren also includes tons of helpful photos so you know exactly how to assemble your new amis. I also loved that the way the book is constructed the pages open up widely and lay almost completely flat. That is such a help when you need to reference the book as you work.

crochet sweets

Overall, Crochet Cafe is amazing and I’m sure I will be referencing it often, especially if my kids have as in it. You can pick up a copy of your own over on Amazon. While you’re there you can also check out Lauren’s first book Whimsical Stitches where she shares the cutest amigurumi patterns including plants and animals.

Happy Crocheting!


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